niedziela, 1 lutego 2015


Witajcie po długiej przerwie!

Chłopcy nagrali cover piosenki "Uma Thurman" Fall Out Boy
Jak Wam się podoba?

Obiecali też, że w każdy wtorek będą dodawali jakieś covery ;)

Napisali także, że bardzo za nami tęsknią i nie mogą się doczekać spotkania z nami, ale na razie muszą się zająć nowymi piosenkami.

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Blake nagrał cover znanej nam piosenki "What's Up" Jak mu wyszło?

"Have you checked out our new cover of @falloutboy "Uma Thurman" yet?!?! If you haven't go to and listen. New cover every week! Here's the link as well!"

"You guys ready for your announcements, new videos, covers, contests? We can't wait! We've missed you a lot!!"


z urodzin @ohhellmo@gabelopez

"Pondering life with some iced tea ;) how is everybody this Saturday? Did you see the @afterromeo cover of @falloutboy#umathurman ? Go check it out we uploading anothe cover Tuesday!!! #TuneInTuesdays with #afterromeowhat song should we do next tell me below!!"

"How is everybody doing?? I hope we'll! If u don't already...follow me on snapchat @drewryanscott for constant new posts!! Also follow me on LET! Been in the studio making a lot of awesome new music for all of you to hear!! Can't wait for you to hear some of it!! Who wants some new #afterromeo @afterromeo music???? What was ur fav song you've heard so far???!!! Also maybe we should upload some of the songs from our #BullyProof tour on @spotify would U wanna hear it?? :) Lemme know below and I can't wait to see some Miley memes hahhahaha I may post some miley poses on my snapchat! Haha love you all and miss u!! (I will be on Twitter but my phone hasn't let Twitter work!!!!) #music #life #love Happy Birthday to my best friend @ohhellmoshe is always amazing and always there for me whenever I need...she comes to the rescue!!! Follow her if u don't and tell her happy birthday!!!!!!! :)"

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z Michelle DeFraites
"Claire's x Katy Perry #eatyourheartout w/ @street23fashion(link in bio) | #street23 📷: @thecobrasnake"



"• Enjoying my coffee before football this morning, thanks to Cody! • 📷: @codysaintnew"

"• I showed them who's daddy. • | @blakeisenglish@toddaustin10"

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z mamą
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"Are you afraid of the dark?! @tccarter23"

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"Back to Vegas for a few days. ☀️♠️♥️♣️♦️"

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ale mu włosy urosły!
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Bezpośredni odnośnik do obrazka

"Juliet" wyświetlono już prawie 100 tys. razy!

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